By Adam Rombel Journal Staff
September 3, 2004 - The Central New York Business Journal
SYRACUSE — The days when doctors and other medical professionals would use hand-written notes to record and convey information about patients’ health are rapidly fading away. Spectrum Software Solutions, Inc., through its SpectraMedi unit, is a fast-growing Syracuse based company that’s taking advantage of the trend toward utilizing hightech, medical-transcription services.
Medical transcription involves converting medical records dictated by doctors and others into data that can be sent to a transcriber anywhere in the world, who then types it up. The material transcribed includes patient history and physical reports, clinic and office notes, operative reports, discharge summaries, letters, psychiatric evaluations, laboratory reports, X-ray results, pathology reports, and other medical records. These transcribed records are used for archives, reference, or for legal proof of medical advice. Click here to read the entire article
About SpectraMedi MSO:
SpectraMedi MSO has been serving a vast number of healthcare facilities, as well as group and individual medical practices with its remarkable medical transcription services for many years. A team of hardworking and dedicated transcribers and other specialists of areas such as IT, Quality Control, etc., play a huge role in the solidity of the company. SpectraMedi has been making success in consistent leaps with new advancements in technology one after another.
To know more about, or avail the services of SpectraMedi MSO, go to