The World Health Organization has marked eight global health campaigns, and one among them is World AIDS Day, which is observed on December 1. It aims at raising awareness of AIDS and the disastrous consequence caused by the spread of HIV infections and educating on AIDS prevention and control. Irrespective of the government and non-governmental organizations, health officials and individuals, all join hands in this campaign.
SpectraMedi MSO is known for its commitment to the health industry and takes the opportunity to mourn those who have died of the disease, to condole with the bereaved, and to raise awareness on prevention and control. It is meaningless and useless to stand and stare at the ghastly statistics of the AIDS toll and its victims. Since there is no vaccine to prevent HIV infection and no cure for AIDS, the only thing we can do is to safeguard ourselves and others from HIV infections.
Here are some steps to help prevent the spread of HIV.
New condom every time. Whenever you have sex, use a new condom.
Let your sex partner know your status if you are HIV positive. Your partners also need to be tested and to receive medical care if they have the virus. They also need to know their HIV status lest they infect others.
Sterile needle. Make sure the needle you use for injecting drugs is sterile and avoid sharing it.
Prompt pregnancy care. If one is HIV positive, one may pass the infection to the baby. However, if treatment is taken during pregnancy, risk can be minimized significantly.
Circumcision: Study reveals that male circumcision can considerably reduce a man’s risk of contracting HIV.
Apart from all these, man being endowed with intelligence has to be wise, prudent, and responsible. SpectraMedi, therefore, advocates self-restraint and fidelity to one’s partner in conjugal life.